Transformed by Grief with Ellie Thomas

A Reflection + Breath Practice to Return to Your Heart, Make Space for Pain, and Move From Authenticity

Ellie Thomas Episode 8

This episode is all about bringing a conscious moment of welcoming to the grief and pain that is alive in ourselves and the world, while also centering in the heart, releasing energy that isn't our own, and moving with the energy that IS our own.  I lead you in a short breath practice that I call the Fountain Breath, to help you do this. It is calming, cleansing, and centering.

If you would like to move with music during this time, try out the Grief Flow October Playlist that I used in this week's workshop. It is perfect for a 20 minute time of release or meditation. 

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I would love to hear what arises for you as you listen, and anything specific you'd like to hear on the show. Shoot me a note via email (, or respond to the episode directly via the feature on your podcast app.

Music credit:
Embrace by Sappheiros |
Music promoted on
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)