Transformed by Grief with Ellie Thomas

The Energetics of Emergence and Inner Spring (+ a Meditation to Connect with Your Inner Season)

Ellie Thomas Episode 17

Spring is here on the outside, but how are you feeling on the inside? Does your inner season line up with the outer season? Spring time is a dance of energies that move us forward, but that does happen without the surfacing of the fear, limiting beliefs, and limitations to be worked with and alchemized. In this episode, I explore the dueling, and non-linear energies of Emergence (the 3rd phase in the 5 Spheres of Transformation), offer wisdom, awareness and perspective shifts to support you in this season. We close with a meditation to help you ground into your inner season and receiving the important information that is here for you at this stage of your journey.

Listen to the 5 Spheres of Transformation episode here

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Music credit:
Embrace by Sappheiros |
Music promoted on
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)